Advocacy Alerts are emailed on an as-needed basis as issues arise locally and nationally.  Sign up to receive our weekly email to be kept informed of all arts related issues in South Dakota.

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Arts South Dakota maintains close relationships with South Dakota’s political leaders and often sends letters to our local, state, and national delegation, informing them of arts advocacy issues and concerns in our state.  We will update this page with letters sent by director Jim Speirs for reference.

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Advocacy Tools

Tools and tactics to talk to your school board, city council, state and national legislators, and others to help make your voice heard.

Randy Cohen’s slides from his keynote presentation at the 2024 South Dakota Arts Conference, featuring data and advocacy resources from the Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 and other key research projects.

Here are the facts about the arts in South Dakota – The arts profoundly impact all South Dakotans updated 1/25

Why the Arts Matter in South Dakota

Arts South Dakota partnered with LEAD South Dakota to present a grassroots advocacy training seminar

10 Reasons to Support the Arts in 2025

Advocacy and Awareness

Arts South Dakota and the South Dakota Arts Council continue to co- sponsor a public awareness campaign emphasizing the value of the arts to individuals, communities and our state. The Executive Director of Arts South Dakota is a registered lobbyist with the Secretary of State and informs Legislators and Executive branch officials on arts issues.

Arts Advocacy Day at the Legislature serves to heighten awareness and appreciation of the arts for our legislators and other decision-makers.

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Arts South Dakota is collaborating with leadership from South Dakota’s arts educator associations to establish a new advocacy cohort.

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As a service to our statewide membership and constituents, Arts South Dakota is conducting a survey of candidates for the South Dakota Legislature, United States Representative & United States Senate, asking for their perspectives on the arts and government.

As the state’s only arts advocacy group, Arts South Dakota is the public partner to the state arts agency. We do not endorse candidates for public office and all responses are published verbatim.

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Arts South Dakota, in collaboration with Media One Advertising and Marketing Agency, worked together to design an eye-catching and informative poster. The goal is to highlight various career paths that can stem from studying the arts, encouraging students to pursue their passions and consider careers they might not have initially considered.

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Organizational members and individual donors of Arts South Dakota are kept informed of opportunities and issues through our magazine, ARTS ALIVE, which includes information on artists, local arts organizations, and the South Dakota Arts Council. Members also receive weekly updates and alerts on education, advocacy issues, events and programs through our weekly arts events emails sent every Monday afternoon.

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We hope you help us spread that message by downloading these infographic panels to use online, on social media, and in print. Our full, folded infographic brochure is shareable via jpg or pdf. Use the hashtag #artsadvocacy when sharing via social media.

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The arts profoundly impact all South Dakotans! There’s an arts advocate in everyone who understands the importance of cultural connections and power of creativity in transforming our society. The first thing to know about advocating for the arts is that the place to start is right in your own neighborhood. We hope this interactive map will provide timely and significant information related to the arts in your county and across South Dakota.

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Arts & Economic Prosperity Study 6 (AEP6) provides economic impact data on the non-profit arts in South Dakota.

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Strengthening the creative culture of South Dakota and keeping the arts alive throughout our state requires a team effort — and the South Dakota Arts Council and Arts South Dakota lead that team.

As the state arts agency, the South Dakota Arts Council has been a vital grant making board for over a half century, leveraging state legislative dollars and grants from the National Endowment for the Arts to bring cultural experiences to every corner of South Dakota.

As the programming half of a dynamic team, Arts South Dakota provides advocacy, education and communication leadership. The private, nonprofit organization publishes Arts Alive, the state arts magazine; coordinates the Arts Education Institute, State Arts Conference and the Governor’s Awards in the Arts, and brings South Dakotans together to be an active local, state and national voice for our shared creative vision.