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Book Signing with local Author and BHSU Professor David Wolff

Henry's Books 111 E Hudson St, Spearfish, SD, United States

Join us for a signing with Author and BHSU Professor David A Wolff as he share his latest title, "Black Hills History Tours: The Gold Rush" in addition to his previous works from South Dakota Historical Society Press.

Book Launch, Reading, and Signing with Kathy Bjornestad

Henry's Books 111 E Hudson St, Spearfish, SD, United States

Join us at Henry's Books in Spearfish on Saturday October 26 from 12:00 to 2:00 PM for a book launch, reading, and signing with local author Kathy Bjornestad! From 12:00-12:30 there will be a reading of her new book for middle grade students with refreshments! About the Book: Eleven-year-old Mira Morales from Guatemala was meant [...]

Book Signing with South Dakota Author Kate Meadows

Henry's Books 111 E Hudson St, Spearfish, SD, United States

Join us at Henry’s Books in Spearfish for a signing with South Dakota Author Kate Meadows on Saturday November 2 from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Kate Meadows is a creative nonfiction writer, editor and book coach with an MFA in Professional Writing. Her work has appeared in Poets & Writers, Writer’s Digest, Chicken Soup [...]

Event Series Armchair Travelers Book Club

Armchair Travelers Book Club

Sturgis Public Library 1040 Harley-Davidson Way #101, Sturgis, SD, United States

Armchair Travelers Book Club will meet on Thursday, November 7th, to discuss novels by Irving Stone. The librarians have a display of their stash and a list of books available by interlibrary loan. A list of these will be emailed to interested readers. Armchair Travelers is an open book club cosponsored by the Sturgis Area [...]

Event Series Armchair Travelers Book Club

Armchair Travelers Book Club

Sturgis Public Library 1040 Harley-Davidson Way #101, Sturgis, SD, United States

Armchair Travelers Book Club will meet on Thursday, November 7th, to discuss novels by Irving Stone. The librarians have a display of their stash and a list of books available by interlibrary loan. A list of these will be emailed to interested readers. Armchair Travelers is an open book club cosponsored by the Sturgis Area [...]


Deck The Walls – Art Show & Sale

Danger Von Dempsey's at ATY East Airport Drive, Watertown, SD, United States

Deck The Walls is BACK!! After a too many years hiatus, your favorite pre-Christmas Art Show & Sale returns to Watertown for ONE NIGHT ONLY! We're showcasing Painters, Illustrators, Writers, Woodworkers, Fiber Artists, Photographers, Jewelers and more at the November Arts Night @ the Pub. There will be interviews and Door Prizes GALORE — this [...]


Chris Stenson Book Signing at the Piedmont Valley Library

Piedmont Valley Library 11 N 2nd St., Piedmont, United States

Author Chris Stenson is coming to the Black Hills. Join Chris as he travels around the Black Hills as he celebrates his first novel Sins of the Mother. Sins of the Mother is a dark fantasy novel. A new Dark Age approaches. Evil walks unfettered between realities, no longer content in hiding in the shadows, [...]

Chris Stenson Book Signing at Mystic Market

Mystic Market Saint Joseph Street, Rapid City, South Dakota, United States

Author Chris Stenson is coming to the Black Hills. Join Chris as he travels around the Black Hills as he celebrates his first novel Sins of the Mother. Sins of the Mother is a dark fantasy novel. A new Dark Age approaches. Evil walks unfettered between realities, no longer content in hiding in the shadows, [...]

Armchair Travelers Book Club

Sturgis Public Library 1040 Harley-Davidson Way #101, Sturgis, SD, United States

Armchair Travelers Book Club will meet Thursday, December 5th, to discuss Western Novels. The librarians have a display of their stash and a list of books available by interlibrary loan. A list of these will be emailed to interested readers. We are looking for your favorite authors for our new schedule beginning in January. If [...]


Armchair Travelers Book Club

Sturgis Public Library 1040 Harley-Davidson Way #101, Sturgis, SD, United States

Armchair Travelers are heading into the new year with a different focus. Instead of sending lists of books, we are focusing on authors. On Thursday, January 2nd, we will discuss authors who write in a humorous vein. Suggested authors are James Thurber, Mark Twain, Dorothy Rosby, and Garrison Keiller. The above are simply suggestions, if [...]


Armchair Travelers Book Club

Sturgis Public Library 1040 Harley-Davidson Way #101, Sturgis, SD, United States

Armchair Travelers are heading into the new year with a different focus. Instead of sending lists of books, we are focusing on authors. Authors who write of romance are the focus of the Thursday, February 6th, meeting. Suggested authors are Jojo Moyes, Kate Eberlen, David Nichols, and Kathleen Woodiwiss. The above are simply suggestions, if [...]


Armchair Travleres Book Club

Sturgis Public Library 1040 Harley-Davidson Way #101, Sturgis, SD, United States

Armchair Travelers Book club will discuss several authors this spring. Although the pairs write in the same genre, they were chosen to provide a contrast that the readers can discuss at the meetings. On March 6 we meet to discuss authors Craig Johnson and Louise Penny. Both write crime-solving mysteries, each with a unique investigator [...]


Armchair Travelers Book Club

Sturgis Public Library 1040 Harley-Davidson Way #101, Sturgis, SD, United States

Armchair Travelers Book club will discuss several authors this spring. Although the pairs write in the same genre, they were chosen to provide a contrast that the readers can discuss at the meetings. The April 3 meeting focuses on the stories of Anne Tyler and Joyce Carol Oates. Both write of family life but from [...]

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