South Dakota Arts Conference
& Arts Leadership Institute Pre-Conference
June 7-8, 2024
Sioux Falls, SD
The 2024 Arts Conference will have something for
everyone, whether you’re an artist, arts organization, educator,
policymaker or lover of the arts.
You’ll want to be pART of it!
Registration is OPEN.
This year, the Arts Leadership Institute pre-conference will occur before the State Arts Conference. Join us for one or both!
South Dakota artists, arts advocates, administrators, art lovers, policymakers as well as community and state leaders who recognize the value of our cultural heritage will join together for the Arts Leadership Institute pre-conference & State Arts Conference scheduled for June 7-8 in downtown Sioux Falls.
Hosted by the South Dakota Arts Council & Arts South Dakota, the biennial State Arts Conference will bring a halo of creativity to Sioux Falls.
Donors/Members of Arts South Dakota receive reduced pricing to our events & never pay outside processing fees. Join today and enjoy the benefits!
Please contact Shari Kosel with any questions.
Refund requests will be accepted until 2 weeks before the conference.
Conference hosts:
A discounted rate associated with the Arts South Dakota is available on the nights of June 6th through June 9th, 2024, at the Holiday Inn City Centre in Sioux Falls, SD.
To reserve your room:
- Call 605-339-2000 and refer to the group “2024 South Dakota Arts Conference” or to the group code “AC4”
- Online-Follow this link 2024 State Arts Conference, (you must enter in the dates of arrival and departure dates between 06/06/2024 and 06/09/2024)
The cutoff date to book rooms in this block is 05/10/2024.
Pre-Conference Friday, June 7
Arts Leadership Institute – click here to learn all about the Advocacy pre-conference sessions.
SculptureWalk Sioux Falls walking tour
6:30-7:30 PM
Opening Reception for pre-conference & conference attendees – StartUp Sioux Falls
Levitt at the Falls music & fun!
Conference Saturday, June 8
full schedule
The South Dakota State Arts Conference is sponsored by Arts South Dakota and the South Dakota Arts Council. South Dakota Arts Council support is provided with funds from the State of South Dakota, through the Department of Tourism, and the National Endowment for the Arts.

Arts South Dakota believes all individuals and communities deserve meaningful artistic experiences. The goal should be full inclusion of all people in all arts and humanities programs and facilities.
For the State Arts Conference, Arts South Dakota can provide, upon request, alternative formats, auxiliary aids, and services necessary for all individuals to participate in all programs and services provided throughout the conference. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Arts South Dakota will honor requests for reasonable accommodations made by individuals with disabilities. Requests can be served more effectively if notice is provided at least 10 days before the event. Direct accommodation requests to info@artssouthdakota.org.