We believe all children in our state should have the opportunity to experience and participate in art.
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
ESSA requires all states to develop a plan for education that addresses major federal requirements. South Dakota’s state plan was developed over the course of a year, with input from stakeholders across the state, including educators, parents, students, legislators, tribal representatives, representatives from higher education, and others.
Every child should have access to a well-rounded education that includes the arts. The work to ensure that the arts are part of standard K-12 school curriculum with the proper funding and resources is a key policy focus at Americans for the Arts.
In December 2015, Congress passed bipartisan legislation to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act in landslide votes: 85-12 in the U.S. Senate and 359-64 in the U.S. House of Representatives.President Obama signed the bill into law in a ceremony attended by a number of education leaders from across the country, including Americans for the Arts President & CEO Robert L. Lynch.This long overdue authorization spans from FY 2017 through FY 2020, ushering in a new era of federal K-12 education policy with increased local control and state-level accountability, and also new opportunities for arts education.For instance, under current federal law, the arts are included as part of well-rounded education. In this respect, the arts continue to have equal billing with reading, math, science, and other disciplines. This designation is an acknowledgement of the relevance of the arts in a complete education and means that the arts may be an eligible expenditure of funds for federal education programs (such as Title I, teacher training, and school improvement).With the ESSA bill in place, arts education advocates will need to work with their state education leaders to ensure that the arts are a part of their state’s education policies (see website).For specific details of arts education policy principles supported by national arts education and education organizations, read our unified statement (pdf, 559 KB). Three priority issues for arts education advocacy at the federal level are:
- Ensuring well-rounded arts provisions in the new law (Every Student Succeeds Act; PL 114-95) are fully implemented
- Supporting funding for the Assistance for Arts Education program at the U.S. Department of Education at $30 million
- Supporting full funding the Student Support and Academic Enrichment grant program at its authorized level of $1.65 billion
NEW Master of Science Education in Art Education at Northern State University
Americans for the Arts: 10 Arts Education Fast Facts
Nebraska Department of Education Fine Arts Guidance
South Dakota Music Education Recommendations/Suggestions
National Association for Music Education –Top Resources to Kickstart Your Back-to-School Season
Americans for the Arts Launches New Arts Education Resource
Arts Education Navigator – Facts & Figures
Social Impact of the Arts | Americans for the Arts
Encourage Creativity | Americans for the Arts
NAEA Platform and Position Statements
NYTIMES: Long-Term Benefits of Music Lessons
From STEM to STEAM: Science and Art go hand-in-hand
SDAC Grants to Organizations and Schools
SDAC Artists in School & Communities
SDAC Touring Arts Roster
SD High School Activities Assn. Fine Arts Handbook
Arts Education Advocacy Cohort
Arts South Dakota is collaborating with leadership from South Dakota’s arts educator associations to establish a new advocacy cohort.
South Dakota Art Education Association
SDAEA is striving to protect the creative spirit of today’s children and to develop networks with other Art organizations in the State with the same goal.
South Dakota Music Education Association
The South Dakota Music Education Association’s purpose is the advancement of music education.
South Dakota Bandmasters Association
The South Dakota Bandmasters Association is an organization dedicated to promoting music education throughout South Dakota. We strive to develop excellence in bands across the state through professional development, mentorship, performance opportunities, and advocacy.
South Dakota String Teachers Association
The J. Laiten Weed Honors Orchestra is composed of the finest string players in the South Dakota All-State Honors Orchestra. The orchestra performs alternately on the east and west sides of the state.
South Dakota American Choral Directors Association
Strengthening the level of excellence in South Dakota with a community of choral musicians.
Speech Communication Association of South Dakota
The Speech Communication Association of South Dakota is committed to the advancement of civic engagement and the public sphere within South Dakota.
American Alliance for Theatre & Education
A good toolkit under “Advocacy” as well as other resources and information about events.
Americans for the Arts: Arts Education Network
Many resources, including an easy to use e-advocacy center, information about their public awareness campaign “The Arts. Ask for More.”, and art education research.
Arts Education Partnership
MANY publications available, as well as information about forums and an easy to understand state policy database.
ED Note: Your education policy blog
Kennedy Center Education
Resources and experiences that inspire, excite, and empower students and young artists, plus the tools and connections to help educators incorporate the arts into classrooms and learning spaces of all types.
National Art Education Association
Easy to use advocacy information, research, and much more in support of visual art education.
National Association for Music Education
Plenty of resources for every aspect of school music education, including a “Grab and Go Advocacy” flyer.
National Endowment for the Arts
A TON of arts education resources under “Publications”.
National Gallery of Art, Washington DC
National Guild for Community Arts Education
Links to resources, as well as information about advocacy action the guild is currently taking.
School Music Matters
Facts, quotations, and an idea bank targeted towards saving your school music program.
Teaching Artists Guild
Teaching Artists Guild (TAG), is a practitioner-led community which raises the visibility and development of artists who teach.