South Dakota Candidates Survey on Arts and Government

Data will be updated until the election.
As a service to our statewide membership and constituents, Arts South Dakota is surveying candidates for the South Dakota Legislature, and United States Representative, asking for their perspectives on the arts and government.
As the state’s only arts advocacy group, Arts South Dakota is the public partner to the state arts agency. We do not endorse candidates for public office and all responses are published verbatim.
We will be accepting responses up until the election.
2024 Survey responses:
Will be updated until the election
Will be updated as received
South Dakota Congressional survey responses
Congressional Candidate survey questions
South Dakota House survey responses (alpha by last name)
South Dakota Senate survey responses (alpha by last name)
Don’t see your candidates’ responses? Ask them the questions yourself! Here’s an overview to find candidates for State Senate and State House.
Helpful Links:
Who are my current legislators?
Complete list of South Dakota candidates
Register to vote
Voter Registration Deadline is 15 days before the election.
Where do I vote on November 5, 2024?