All applications must be submitted by Indigenous Peoples. Eligible applicants:

  • Emerge from, are led by, and grounded in, the Indigenous Peoples served and who are most impacted by the project.
  • Nurture and center the culture, language, traditional knowledge systems, and healthy lifeways of the Indigenous Peoples involved in the project.
  • Have 80% or more Indigenous Peoples leadership at the Board of Directors or other decision-making entity, and have an Indigenous Executive Director or Project leaders, and Indigenous Peoples engaged throughout all aspects of the organization. (Thriving Women mandates 80% or more Indigenous women-identified Board of Directors, and an Indigenous woman Executive Director or Project leaders.)
  • Are a non-profit with 501(c)3 tax exempt status, a federally-recognized tribal nation project, have a fiscal sponsor or are a SGF Affiliate Project. If fiscally sponsored, the Seventh Generation Fund prioritizes applicants with Native or People of Color fiscal sponsoring organizations.
  • Prioritizing community-based projects with budgets of <$500,000.
  • Are in good standing with the Seventh Generation Fund without reports due or outstanding issues.

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