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Dakota Daughters commemorated the 130-year anniversary of the December 29, 1890, Wounded Knee Massacre in 2020. Now, they look to the future of 2024 and beyond. They have made it a priority to tell this story throughout South Dakota by relaying historical information in an interesting, thought-provoking, entertaining and memorable way. When technology is available, they augment their program to include slides from their collaboration with The Journey Museum and Periaktos Productions: “Reflections on the Massacre at Wounded Knee.” The Dakota Daughters hope when people see their play, they will realize that although we all are unique – such as skin color, cultures, beliefs – deep down we are not all that different. Mitákuye Oyás’iŋ – “We are all related.”

Scholars: Joyce Jefferson, Geraldine Goes in Center, Lillian Witt

Sponsored by: Black Hills Community Theatre

For more information, contact:  Merlyn Sell  <merlyn@bhct.org>

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