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Lori Dykstra, Chief ExecutiveOfficer of Feeding South Dakota, Esperanza Hartman, Lak̇ota Cultural FoodsCoordinator at Maȟpíya Lúta Owayawa, and KarenMoore, Manager of the Siċaŋġu Food Sovereignty Initiative (FSI), join SDHCfor a discussion of South Dakota’s “food deserts” – what they are,what it means for our state, and what we can do about it – as well as theimportant role taken on by Indigenous Food Sovereignty programs to combat theissue of food insecurity in South Dakota. 

Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85001125966?pwd=c1B3NnhQK1AzUVhBQVFTcE1QTVdGUT09

Sponsored By: South Dakota Humanities Council

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