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As we continue National Arts and Humanities Month, we received some great arts education news that The U.S. Department of Education issued a letter of guidance to Chief State School Officers encouraging schools on how federal education dollars can be used for arts education in developing a well-rounded education through the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. Due to the efforts of arts education advocates and a willingness from the U.S. Department of Education to listen to the needs of the field, guidance now exists in the Every Student Succeeds Act Era that school districts can “use Title I, Part A funds to bolster arts education programs as a strategy to support students attending Title I schools with a high percentage of low-income families in meeting the State’s challenging academic standards.” Additionally, there are funding and strategies outside of ESEA that will interest educators and advocates, including how other federal formula funds can be used to support arts education through professional development, in and out of school arts programming, support for children with disabilities, and career and technical education. Americans for the Arts will join with national partners to celebrate this work and gain an understanding from the U.S. Department of Education, arts educators, and arts advocates of how the guidance can be used to advance arts education in their school districts.

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