Arts South Dakota sincerely thanks the amazing individuals who join in our mission of advocacy, service, and education for the state’s many creative communities. The combined power of their voices advocates for and develops our state’s arts ecosystem, and we could not do this work effectively without doing it together. Make sure your voice is heard–add your name to this list by donating today!
Did you know? Arts South Dakota members & donors that give $100 or more for the first time receive a complimentary one-year subscription to South Dakota Magazine!? (excluding existing SD Magazine subscribers)
Individual donors and their most recent sustaining gift to our Annual Fund from July 1, 2023 to March 3, 2025 are listed below.
* denotes Arts South Dakota Board Member
Deonne Kahler, Rapid City *
Janet M. Kahler, Rapid City
Deanna and Dave Knudson, Sioux Falls
Rod & Sandy Garnett, Spearfish *
Jim and Kara Mathis, Sioux Falls *
Michael Pangburn, Pierre *
Janet Brown, Sioux Falls
Tom and Pat Dempster, Sioux Falls
Kris and Steve Egger, Sioux Falls
Garry Jacobson, Sioux Falls
Dale Lamphere and Jane Murphy, Sturgis *
Kenny and Linnea Putnam, Rapid City *
Tom and Crystal Van Wyhe, Sioux Falls
Jeff Eckhoff, Sioux Falls
Mildred K. Hugghins, Brookings
Janet Brown, Sioux Falls
Mary and Kurt Cogswell, Brookings
Mary Hunhoff, Yankton
Scott and Marianne Johnson, Sioux Falls
Lynne Jones, Sioux Falls
Adam Emerson & Dohui Kim, Sioux Falls
Dan and Arlene Kirby, Sioux Falls
Steve and Dianne Larson, Sioux Falls
Janet & Ken Lingemann, Sioux Falls
Mr. Edward D. Pullen, Plymouth, IN
John and Jane Rasmussen, Sisseton
Kay Reinartz, Sioux Falls
Paul & Koni Schiller, Sanibel, FL
Jim Speirs, Sioux Falls
Nan Baker, Sioux Falls
Dr. Margaret Downie Banks, Vermillion
LeEtta Bennett, Salem
Bonnie and Tim Bjork, Rapid City
Jeannie and Burke Blackman, Sioux Falls
Brian and Kaija Bonde, Sioux Falls
Dick Brown, Sioux Falls
Lynne and Bill Byrne, Sioux Falls
Jacqui Dietrich, Rapid City *
William V. Fischer, Fort Pierre
Kathie and Rudy Gerstner, Yankton
Bruce and Nancy Halverson, Sioux Falls
Phil and Kiki Hegg, Sioux Falls
Dody and Boyd Hopkins, Sioux Falls
Rick and Patt Hustead, Wall
Dusty and Jacquelyn Johnson, Mitchell
Larry Johnson, Pierre
Katrina Lehr-McKinney, Sioux Falls
Deanna Lien, Rapid City
Edith Lien, Spearfish
Patrick McGowan, Sioux Falls *
Mark and Kristol McKie, Rapid City
Larry and Diane Ness, Yankton
Rolf Olson & Anne E. Waltner, Parker
Dr. Boyd and Jessica Perkins, Sioux Falls
Lawrence and Catherine Piersol, Sioux Falls
Ms. Margaret Rahn, Yankton
Kris Reaves, Sioux Falls
Andrew and Rosanne Reinartz, Sioux Falls
Larry & Marilyn Rohrer, Beresford *
Carol Stewart, Lake City, FL
Lynn Verschoor, Brookings *
Hon. Jeffrey & Linda Lea Viken, Rapid City
James Walker and Jerry Oligmueller, Bath
Norman and Kathleen West, Yankton
Ron and Glenda Woodburn, Pierre
Steven Zellmer and Kitty Kinsman, Rapid City
$0 to $249
Patricia Acevedo Fuentes, Rapid City
Monte Amende and Michelle Deyo-Amende, Pierre
Julie Amsberry, Yankton
Kathy Antonen, Lake Norden
Terry Arons, Cedar Rapids, IA
Mary Askren, Madison
Amanda Bachmann, Pierre
Carol Bailey, Rapid City
Patrick and Jennifer Baker, Pierre
Phil and Jill Baker, Sioux Falls
John Banasiak, Vermillion
Nancy Anne Barker, Custer
Diane Barnhart, San Antonio, TX
Linda Bartholomew, Faulkton
Don and Janet Beeman, Vermillion
Charles Bennis, Brookings
John Beranek, Sioux Falls
Janna Emmel and Randy Berger, Hill City
Dar Berkenpas & Boyd Bristow, Sioux Falls
Marsha Bertsch, Yankton
Melanie and Norman Bliss, Sioux Falls
Kathy Block, Spearfish
Bill J. and Jane Bobzin, Yankton
Anne Bodman and Andrew Hollander, Sturgis
Dave and Linda Bonde, Fort Pierre
Greg Boris and Joan Reddy, Pittsburgh, PA
Kay Bosanko, Aberdeen
Stacy & LeRoy Braun, Aberdeen *
Mark & Katie Bray, Rapid City
Beth Brenner, Huron
Bill and Cathy Britton, Sioux Falls
John E. Brockelsby, Rapid City
Roger and Merlene Broer, Hill City
Allen and Gloria Brown, Dell Rapids
Rosemary Buchmann, Martin
Susan Burgard, Sioux Falls
Susan Callahan, Rapid City
Tim and Monica Campbell, Brookings
Sarah Carlson, Sioux Falls
Richard and Ginger Carstensen, Sturgis
Jamie Church, West Fargo, ND
Jim & Deann Clark, Sioux Falls
Linda Clement, Sioux Falls
David and Naomi Colberg, Chamberlain
Tami Comp, Winner
Paul and Mary Ellen Connelly, Sioux Falls
Mike and Judy Connor, Sioux Falls
Ceca and Bill Cooper, Sioux Falls
Jon & Gail Crane, Hill City
Claudia Dail, Sioux Falls
Sarah Davidson, Aberdeen
Kay Decker, Pierre
Ann and Tim Deckert, Rapid City
Beth Deiter, Faulkton
Margaret Denton, Brookings
Kay Diehl, Jurupa Valley, CA
DeVee and Kevin Dietz, Sturgis
Lawrence Diggs, Roslyn *
Don and Mary Downs, Rapid City
Darlene Dulitz, Webster
Christina Emrick, Rapid City
Paul Everson, Sioux Falls
Carla Fauske and Peter Lieberman, Sioux Falls
Masha Fehr, Rapid City
Bill Feterl, Sturgis
Van and Barbara Fishback, Brookings
Elizabeth Freer & Michael Headley, Spearfish
Ginny Freitag, Parcel Return Service, DC
Janet Fuhrman, Roscoe
Jacqualyn Fuller, Lead
Barry Furze, Sturgis
Julie Garreau, Eagle Butte
April Geist, Mitchell
Bette Gerberding, Brookings
Karen A. Gerdes, Pierre
Carol Cook Geu, Vermillion
Nancy Giere, Sioux Falls
Michael and Marnie Gould, Rapid City
Doris Graeber, Sioux Falls
Susan Gray, Vermillion
Dr. Larry Green, Madison
Andra Guzzo, Sioux Falls
Dirk & Constanze Hagmaier, Sioux Falls
Jeff and Darlene Hallem, Pierre
Joy Halling, Watertown
Cheryl Peterson Halsey, Springfield
Eileen Halverson, Sioux Falls
Arline Hammer, Pierre
Gloria Hanson and Ron Schreiner, Fort Pierre
Rosemarie Hanssen, Sisseton
Steve and Monica Harding, Pierre
Paul Harens, Yankton
Helen Harryman, Pierre
Anne F. Hatch, Rapid City
Donna Hazelwood, Madison
Susan Rae Helgeland, Sturgis
Connie Herring, Sioux Falls
Stephanie Higdon, Rapid City
Susan Hines, Rapid City
Roxanne Hinze, Aberdeen
Heather Hitterdal, Sioux Falls
Linda Hoffelt, Brookings
Josh and Rose Ann Hofland, Sioux Falls
Deborah Holland, Pierre
Jim and Katie Hood, Spearfish
Dennis Hopfinger and Carolyn Clague, Brookings
Jon Hovland, Sioux Falls
Dr. Craig Howe, Martin
Cheryl Whetham and Jukka Huhtiniemi, Hill City
Rick and Patt Hustead, Wall
Clara Jacob, Sioux Falls
Fee Jacobsen, Pierre
Mr. Stanley N. Jacobson, Watertown
Terry and Sandi Jaspers, Sisseton
Joyce Jefferson, Rapid City
Barbara Johnson, Sioux Falls
Corliss and Anne Johnson, Sioux Falls
James and Ardis Johnson, Brookings
Barbara Johnson, Sioux Falls
Brian Jones, Spicer, MN
Rob Joyce, Sioux Falls
Phil and Diana Kappen, Sioux Falls
Bruce & Carol Kelley, Vermillion
Mary Kelly, Bettendorf, IA
Karen & Keith Kinder, Brookings
Deb and Peter Klebanoff, Baltic
Dellaine Kleinsasser, Alexandria
Frank Kloucek, Scotland
Cheryl Koch, Sioux Falls
Dick and Cindy Koch, Sioux Falls
Rhonda M Kocourek, Hot Springs
John J. Kolb, Sioux Falls
Joe and Shari Kosel, Lead
Marilyn Kratz, Yankton
Amy Kruse, De Smet
Alan and Kari LaFave, Valley City, ND
Denise LaRue, Sturgis
Mark Law, Sioux Falls
Ellen and Tom Lee, Pierre
Christine Leichtnam, Rapid City
Amanda Levesque, Sioux Falls
Brenda Lewis, Sioux Falls
Dorothy Liegl, Pierre
Lori Long, Spencer
Larry and Debera Lucas, Pickstown
Nick Lucas, Rapid City
Sara Lum, Sioux Falls
Larry and Gail Lyngstad, Pierre
Paula Manley and Jim Knutson, Spearfish
Mary E. Manthei, Rochester, MN
Mary Jo Marcy, Custer
Cindy Marohl, Sisseton
Joy McCracken, Rapid City
Joseph and Norma McFadden, Houston, TX
John McIntyre, Sioux Falls
Jim McKinney, Brookings
Michele Mechling, Vermillion
Dawn Menning, Aberdeen
Janet Meyer, Minneapolis, MN
Kent and Zindie Meyers, Spearfish
Jay and Beverly Mickelson, Pierre
Doug and Mary Miller, Brookings
Deborah Mitchell, Rapid City
Kevin and Amber Moe, Yankton
John Mogen, Sioux Falls
Rodney and Marla Mosiman, Onida
Cassandra Mraz, Aberdeen
Mike and Kathi Mueller, Pierre
Dennis Navrat, Burbank
Reynold Nesiba, Sioux Falls
Sandra Newman, Rapid City
Janice Nicolay, Sioux Falls
James and Marilyn Nyberg, Yankton
Dan and Dot O’Connor, Lead
Marcia and Marvin Olnes, Yankton
Collin and Katie Otteson, Miller
Phyllis Packard, Vermillion
Judith Payne, Sioux Falls
Estelle Reierson Pearson, Sisseton
Byron Petersen, Sioux Falls
Sheri Peterson, Sioux Falls
Tim Peterson, Spearfish
Ken and Lavonne Pickering, Pierre
Tamara Pier, Rapid City
Ellen & Richard Plocek, Spearfish
Sandra Jassmann Polster, La Mesa, CA
Ashley Pourier, Pine Ridge *
Joan C. Rasmusson, Dell Rapids
Eric and Ruth Raveling, Pierre
David Reynolds, Brookings
Betsy Rice, Sioux Falls
Steve Rice, Lead
Brad Richardson, Hot Springs
Patrick Roseland, Rapid City
Monte & Fran Rougemont, Roslyn
Randall & Teri Royer, Pierre
Terry and Mary Ryan, Madison
John Rychtarik, Brookings
Daniel and Rebecca Schenk, Fort Pierre
Jeff and Katie Scherschligt, Sioux Falls
Greg Schmitz, Sioux Falls
Lea Ann Schramm, Yankton
Sharon Schramm, Winner
Chuck and Bonny Schroyer, Pierre
Kirby Schultz, Sioux Falls
Lonnie Schumacher, Fort Pierre
Miles and Vickie Schumacher, Sioux Falls
Carol and Carl Schwarzenberg, Rapid City
Lynn Scroggins, Yankton
Marty Seim, Rapid City
Marica Shannon, Mitchell
Betty Sheldon, Aberdeen
Dr. Susanne Skyrm, Vermillion
Katie Smirnova, Rapid City
Virginia Sneve, Rapid City
Brenda Sosa, Humboldt
Clayton and Anella Southwick, Rapid City
James and Cary Speirs, Rapid City
Jan Speirs, Hot Springs
Mark and Rose Speirs, Deadwood
Jack Stengel, Sioux Falls
Shelley Stingley, Sioux Falls
Paul Struck, Tea
Linda Stuerman-Purrington, Brookings
Yoko Sugawara, Rapid City
Jim and Sandy Szana, Pierre
Anna Marie Thatcher, Rapid City
Stephen & Catherine Thurman, Sioux Falls
Janelle Toman, Denver, CO
Rose Marie Tornow, Sioux Falls
Blair Tremere, Sioux Falls
Lesta and Mike Turchen, Hill City
Tom and Molly Valentine, Garretson
Dan Van Dover, Aberdeen
Andrew & Sheila Van Kuren, Herreid
Serge van Neck, Sioux Falls
Kate and Andy Vandel, Pierre
Karyn Veenis, Sioux Falls
Nan Venhuizen, Sioux Falls
Debby Walker, Glenham
Lori Walsh, Sioux Falls
Ralph Wamsher, Watertown
Merritt and Pamela Warren, Brookings
Kathleen Webb, Aberdeen
Roberta Williams, Pierre
Ruth Williams, Wakonda
Norma and Jerry Wilson, Vermillion
Sharon and Marty Winckler, Harrold
Milo Winter, Rapid City
Mary Wipf and Mark Zimmerman, Deadwood
Darwin Wolf, Sioux Falls
Kristine Wollman, Mitchell *
Barbara Wood, Fort Pierre
Sandy Zinter, Fort Pierre
Amber Zora, Rapid City