Our Friday, January 17th, History at High Noon program will be “History Below The Pines”, presented by Levi Kessler
Join us as we explore some of the hidden history of the Black Hills. History Below The Pines has meticulously documented ghost towns, abandoned mines, defunct tourist attractions, and other privately-owned areas of historical significance. Their dedication to capturing the past ensures that these unique landmarks and their stories will endure for future generations.
History at High Noon is a program on the third Friday of the month (October and November, January through May). We meet at noon in the Community Room of the Sturgis Public Library.
We are always looking for ideas. If you would like to tell your family’s history or have something history-based, please contact Richard Moeller (running2win@gmail.com, 605-939-3789), Ross Lamphere (rosslamphere@gmail.com, 605-490-3110), or Diana Hayes (605-347-3007).