Harmony South Dakota is fostering a harmonious community where everyone is known, loved, and valued. #Harmony365 launches April 30, 2023, and we want YOU to join our community. Together we create a culture of respect and excellence. Hence our #REthink values: ‘R’ stands for respect and ‘E’ for excellence.

Tell your story! Submit a 60-sec (2-min max) video to REthinkHarmony@gmail.com. Every day, for 365 days, we will share a brief story of how music has inspired a positive transformation in someone’s life! We all serve in diverse career fields and come from different walks of life. Whatever your profession or age, submit your story for consideration. Music is the universal language that brings us all together.

1. Pick a well-lighted spot with a good background.
2. Wear a black, red, or white shirt. (These are Harmony’s concert wardrobe colors.)
3. Use a stand or ask a friend to film you holding the phone vertically.
4. Tell us a 60-sec story (2-min max) about how music has positively transformed your life.
5. Email your submission to REthinkHarmony@gmail.com

Thank you for joining our hopeful movement inspiring respect and excellence through music.

Watch our intro video: https://youtu.be/39PQaA7sd6o

#Harmony365 will be shared via all our social media platforms: YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

YouTube – Harmony South Dakota
Instagram – harmonysouthdakota
Twitter – HarmonySoDak365
Facebook – Harmony South Dakota