Rauschenberg Medical Emergency Grants Cycle 15 is now open. These grants of up to $5,000 support direct treatment expenses for medical, dental or mental health emergencies that occurred February 1, 2022 or later; the deadline is October 28. Visual artists, and film/video/electronic/digital artists are eligible, as are choreographers. Cycle 16 will be open November 29 through January 13, for emergencies occurring April 1, 2022 and later. Guidelines, an informational video and the online application are here: https://www.nyfa.org/rmeg.

Rauschenberg Dancer Emergency Grants are open for Cycle 5. These are one-time grants of up to $5,000 to professional dancers who have experienced dire financial emergencies due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences, including lack or imminent endangerment of essentials such as housing, medicine/healthcare, utilities, and food. Cycle 5 has a deadline of October 14, for emergency expenses between May 1, 2022 and February 28, 2023. Cycle 6 will open on November 9, with a deadline of December 9. Program guidelines, an informational video, and the online application are here: https://www.nyfa.org/rdeg.

Both of these programs are open to artists living anywhere in the U.S, its territories, tribal nations, and the District of Columbia. Artists with disabilities, artists of color, and artists living outside of New York are particularly encouraged to apply. For more information, email emergencyfunds@nyfa.org, or call 212/366-6900 x 239.