State of the art.

A creative home for our veterans

November 6th, 2017|Blog|

Connecting South Dakota’s veterans to arts opportunities By South Dakota Lt. Governor Matt Michels South Dakota has always stepped forward in defense of our nation, with a high percentage of our population volunteering for all [...]

One local voice can make magic happen

October 24th, 2017|Blog|

South Dakota is blessed with a variety of volunteer community arts groups, statewide arts institutions and strong partnerships for arts education and artists. As important as these organizations are, the real strength for the arts [...]

Back to school with a full head of STEAM

September 18th, 2017|Blog|

There’s an excitement in the air as students go back to school all across South Dakota. Today, in addition to the “Three Rs,” teachers and arts advocates focus on STEAM—science, technology, engineering, ARTS and mathematics. [...]

In South Dakota, the arts mean business

July 26th, 2017|Blog|

We frequently discuss the benefits of the arts in South Dakota with an emphasis on the cultural, educational and entertainment value of creative performances, contacts and experiences. But that’s only part of the equation. The [...]

Americans speak out about the arts

February 18th, 2017|Blog|

Recently Americans for the Arts conducted a public opinion poll which provides an in-depth look at perceptions and attitudes about the arts in our country. One of the most significant findings came in the [...]

Celebrating South Dakota’s creative leaders

January 12th, 2017|Blog|

Every two years, South Dakotans are given the opportunity to shine a spotlight on those individuals and organizations that have achieved significant accomplishments in the arts. The Governor’s Awards in the Arts dramatically illustrate [...]

​Fueling the growth of the arts in South Dakota

December 12th, 2016|Blog|

During the past 50 years, South Dakota residents have been active partners with the South Dakota Arts Council in strengthening our state’s creative diversity through membership in the arts advocacy organization. Organized to fuel [...]