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Audition Dates: February 29 & March 1 at 6 pm
at the Matthews Opera House
Audition selections will be available in the Matthews Gallery beginning Monday, February 19


The Story…

Poor Oliver Pankey is a born loser; his landlady charges him when someone else breaks his window; his fiancee leaves him for a married man; his boss at the bank cuts his pay when he asks for a raise; and a thief takes everything he has—including his only suit. And, as the last straw, when he visits a doctor to check on the results of a blood test the files get switched, and he is told that he’ll be dead within six months. Fed up, and reconciled to his fate, Oliver turns into a raging lion, performing feats of dazzling bravery and ending up as the new branch manager of the bank. He even agrees to help the FBI by becoming a sitting duck for a gangland shoot-out—only to learn, at the eleventh hour, of the doctor’s horrendous error. Needless to say our stalwart hero’s knees turn suddenly to jelly, but the action spins zanily on, deftly finding its way to a happy—and hilarious—conclusion.

Audition Information…

Audition dates: February 29 & March 1  from 6 – 8 pm.

Audition location: Matthews Opera House, 612 N. Main Street, Spearfish

What to expect: No experience necessary! You will be asked to read with other participants from sections of the script previously selected by the director. You may choose to commit to a “cold read” (seeing the script for the first time), or you may get the scene selections in advance to become familiar with them. Scene selections will be available in the Matthews Gallery by February 19 at 10 am.

Auditions are also a great time to express your interest in backstage work, set building, lights and all of the other necessary skills that make a show great! Stop by if you have any interest “behind the scenes” and visit with the director. 

Performance Dates

Friday and Saturday evenings at 7 pm on April 19, 20, 26, & 27

Sunday matinees at 2 pm on April 21 & 28

Roles available for 7 performers.

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