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We welcome you to attend the 15th Annual Black Hills Film Festival as we honor in film, the people we admire – in sports, art, music and LIFE.
We open our cool fall season of films at the Journey Museum in Rapid City, with a fashionable local film followed by a reception where you can meet the attending filmmakers. They are passionate individuals with great stories who are truly the heroes of our Festival.

Following the reception, view an inspiring film about a great baseball pitcher and even greater human being. There will be a discussion following with the Director of the film.

On Saturday, we move to the wonderful mountain town of Hill City for 2 days of films, seminars and parties. A Family Friendly film session at 11 am on both Saturday and Sunday opens the Hill City screenings. A Saturday morning workshop at 9 am on Lighting is conducted by industry professional Doug Lee and is presented FREE to anyone wanting to learn more about the great art of film making.

Sunday, Actor Sam Shoulder gives aspiring actors insight into an actor’s world from a Native American perspective. A Native American Film session follows and films continue all day at the Hill City High School Theater.

Whether you take in most of the 2024 Festival films (22 in all) and activities or just a few, we hope you leave inspired. THANK YOU for attending and supporting the Black Hills Film Festival.

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